According to Microsoft, FoD packages “are installed automatically by Windows Update when the associated languages are enabled in language settings (for example, by enabling a keyboard)” but can also be installed manually by using Settings > Apps > Apps & Features > Manage Optional Features. Windows 10 also makes other typefaces & fonts available in Feature on Demand packages.
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In that base install are 10 new typefaces & 45 new fonts.In the base install, there are 93 11 typefaces & 171 12 fonts.Windows 8.1: 125 typefaces, 322 fonts 10 are new typefaces & 45 are new fonts 10.

Windows 8: 118 typefaces & 279 fonts 6 are new typefaces & 17 are new fonts 9.Windows 7: 111 typefaces & 257 fonts 7 15 are new typefaces & 49 are new fonts 8.Windows Vista: 90 typefaces 6 & 191 fonts.Windows XP: 31 typefaces 4 & 136 fonts 5.The number of typefaces & fonts Microsoft includes with Windows has been steadily increasing. The following fonts have served as the default system fonts on Windows: Version Various resources also exist that give web developers some hard numbers & lists they can use when determining the fonts available on various operating systems. Go take a look & it'll give you some numbers you can work with. are able to correctly determine the fonts on their computers.You should take the results with a grain of salt, as the results are biased in favor of users who: One answer can be found at Code Style Font Sampler, which asks visitors to fill out a survey asking them about the fonts they have on their computers. What fonts can you assume Windows users will have? Mac users? And how about (gulp!) Linux & other UNIX users? Oh, & don't forget mobile users: iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch), Android, & Windows Phone 7!